Monday, March 7, 2016


Beth Fordham came out last month! I've been contemplating ways to promote my books. I'm coming up empty, quite frankly. I do not have an agent, and can't afford what it costs to have others promote my books. The struggles of the modern author! I am still writing, proofing, and dreaming, however. I love writing. I have always been half in my own imagination and half in the real world. In my dreams I live in mid-nineteenth century and mucking about the country villages of England looking for fabulous stories. Of course, I draw from my love of Jane Austen, but her stories were set half a century before mine. 1850-60s were incredible years of innovation. Industrial advancement was exploding in factories, mining, transportation, and communication. It was an exciting time. Instead of taking a week in a coach to cross the country, it was a matter of a day in trains. Wars were being waged in fashion, the ever present dispute over wool, cotton, and silk. Steam ships brought news of the entire world in much less time than before. Travel across the continents became accessible to a much broader range of social ranks. Lovely! So, I sit contemplating my eighth book. hmmmmm. As a joke, I've begun to write a post-apocalyptic novel. Not my genre! Oh well! The story was in my head 2 mornings ago. So I will spill it on paper and see where it goes. Beth Fordham LINK.

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